Først mamma Alphi
Alpenglow Tally-Ho of Kelimoor, Alphi, 4,5 år
Vinner av sixpencetrofeet for andre år på rad. Er vi stolte av husets gyldne golden? JA! Jeg husker godt at da Sofie og jeg hentet Alphi 17. mai i 2007 i Eidsdal at jeg sa til Sofie: Mitt mål er at vi EN VAKKER dag skal klare å vinne sixpencetrofeet sammen. Du som utstiller jeg som fører på jakt. Og så klarer Alphi å gjøre det for andre gang, kun 4 år gammel. Alphi fikk sitt andre cert og sitt andre cacib i 2011. Hun gikk blodsporprøver, men grunnet nesemidd (oppdaget vi noen få dager etter prøven) ble det bare 3. premie. Vi har prøvd å få opprykk til klasse 3 lydighet, har vært så nære så nære, men det har blitt fire andre premier. I jakt stilte hun på tre BK prøver på fire dager. Det startet med 2. pr, deretter 3. pr., men siste dagen løsnet det: 1. premie og kåret til prøvens andre beste hund AV ATTEN. Nå trener vi for start i AK høsten 2012.
Så de vakre og flinke 2-åringene:
Kerenza's A Kind of Hush, Herman, 2 år, eier: Elisabeth Rabe
Har mange flotte resultater fra utstillingsringen i 2011 med flere BIR unghund resultater. Det toppet seg vel i Nordfjordeid der han ble både BIR og BIS unghund på retrieverutstilling. Herman begynner å vokse seg til og vi er VELDIG spente på året som kommer. Herman trenes også i bruks og blodspor. Kanskje det kan bli blodsporstart i 2012?
Kerenza's All Of Me, Nora, 2 år, eier: Karen J. Aalsgaard
Nora har hatt valpekull i 2011, og fødte et stort kull med friske sunne valper. Det blir spennende å se på røntgenresultater av disse i løpet av 2012. Nora og Karen trener bruks og lydighet og skal debutere i 2012. Vi gleder oss. Pelsen begynner også å komme seg og vi gleder oss til spennende dager i utstillingsringen også.
Kerenza's After The Goldrush, Karma, 2 år, eier Nina Hansen
Karma og Nina debuterte sammen i utstillingsringen i mars, og ble plassert som tredje beste unghund. Karma har oppnådd 2. premie i klasse 2 lydighet, og hun har forsøkt seg på jaktprøve. Det blir mer jakt, lydighet og utstilling på Karma i 2012.
Kerenza's A Walk In The Park, Valde, 2 år, eier Marianne Rasmussen
Valde gjør en fantastisk jobb i sitt jaktarbeid, og trener på sammen sin eier og fører Marianne. Vi håper vi får sett Valde i utstillingsringen i 2012, og måske også på prøve, uten å sette for mye press på Marianne. :-)
Kerenza's A Man Is A Man, Amandus, 2 år, eier Sidsel Lundin
Amandus tok rett og slett sitt første cert i 2011. Og ikke bare det: Han ble BIR og BIG3 på utstillingen til Moss i juli. Etter det ble pelsen borte, men den er på full gang opp igjen. Vi gleder oss til utstillingsåret 2012.
Kerenza's Abbey Road, Abbey, Kerenza's All That Jazz, Lea, Kerenza's Autumn Almanac, Oskar, lever alle tre gode familieliv der de også får brukt hodene og nesene sine til ulike oppgaver. Vi håper i hvertfall Abbey skal få seg en tur i utstillingsringen i 2012 hvis hun har pels til våren.
Vi er altså velsignet med fantastisk snille, gode og flinke valpekjøpere. Å se at alle Alphis valper ha det så bra er den aller aller beste presangen som oppdretter.
onsdag 4. januar 2012
lørdag 25. september 2010
Silver for Nina and Karma

This year the Retrieverclub in Oslo have had a huntingcup. Seven competetions and the five best results counts. Nina and Karma started out before Karma was 5 months, and at the last event in september Karma was 13 months. All the same, they made it to the top three, and second place and silver medal, Nina was only beaten by her mother Karin and her golden Robin. The results through the year you find here.
We are so proud of you Nina and the job you are doing with Karma. Behind Nina on the list is many dog much older and with a lot of hunting experience. Congratulations!
tirsdag 27. juli 2010
Kerenza's first homebred CAC-winner

Nora - Kerenza's All of Me - won the kennel's first Certificate and BEST OF BREED in Sarpsborg July 25th!!! We are so proud!!
Thank you so much to judge Sue Towers (kennel Alibren, UK) who liked Nora so much, and also to Karen who Nora lives with and is trained by, and to Alice who showed her.
Nora also did Best in show 2nd and Best in show junior. A day I will certainly never forget!
tirsdag 15. juni 2010
Way to go Hansen family

Photo: Retrieverklubben, avdeling Oslo
The retrieverclub in Oslo have had an unofficial obedience competetion this winter, spring, early summer, called Hønsecupen. Karma was only 5 months at the first competetion, but togehter with owner and handler Nina Hansen, they managed to win it all in the beginner class. In the picture above you see Karma to the right with her best buddies Robin and Balder. The two boys is owned and handled by Ninas mother Karin, and they did win the two other classes in the competetion. Way to go Hansen family! Results and more picures here.
søndag 13. juni 2010
This saturday Kerenza's After the Goldrush, Karma, with handler and owner Nina Hansen started for their first official time in obedience. They ended up as number three, with a 167,5 points. That is also a 1. prize, and they are already cleared for class 2. It's just fantastic good work from both of them. Earlier in May Karma and Nina also past their field trial qualification test. Way to go, Nina and Karma! We are so impressed and proud. New pictures of the two of them working will come.
søndag 6. juni 2010
Today, the day after the puppies' pretty mum got certificate and BOS (best of opposite sex - BIM in norwegian :)) at the international show in Drammen, Nora is shown by co-owner Alice Enhuus (Kennel Deeside) at a retriever-speciality in Oslo. Here she wins the junior-class with CK and is BOS-junior! We are as proud as usual!
Their grandfather Trewater Tally also wins CAC and BOS at a retriever-show in Sweden today!
This is Nora's critique from judge Arne Foss (in norwegian this time, could be translated at request..):
"Ni mnd. Særdeles lovende. Vakker silhuett, fine proporosjoner, feminint velformet hode, bra øyne og uttrykk. Vakker hals og nakkebue, stram overlinje, velansatt hale. Utmerkede sidebevegelser, litt ustabil fram. Pels på gang. Særdeles velpresentert, trivelig temperament. Burde ha en meget spennende framtid."
tirsdag 25. mai 2010
Official show debut for 4 Kerenza-dogs!
This weekend the Norwegian retriever-club arranged a three-day jubilee show to celebrate it's 50th anniversary, ending it with a working test yesterday. Saturday we had entered Alphi, Karma, Herman and Amandus, and Sunday just Alphi and Nora. Alphi was also entered at the working test (which will probably appear later in a cross-post in the other blog). The show-judges were Malcolm Godefroy and Keith Young, latter had bitches on Saturday and dogs on Sunday, and vica-versa.
It has been an extremely sunny weekend, I'd say almost too sunny, but also a very nice one with lots of nice people, including our great puppy-buyers.
The first in the ring this weekend was Karma (Kerenza's After The Goldrush), who managed to get a fourth place in a large junior-class. Next up was Alphi, and while she was in the ring, they started junior dog-class, in which Amandus and Herman was supposed to be in! Thanks to Sissel (who owns Amandus), Nina (Karma) and Elisabeth (Herman), I did get all three dogs in the ring, but we had never done it without them! Eva showed Herman in the first group, since I couldn't run with two dogs at the time! Neither Amandus nor Herman was placed, but it was a very big class so it was not completely surprising. They were also probably the youngest in the class, and the least trained! So I'm very pleased with them anyway :)
The puppies' grandfather, Trewater Tally, won a staggeringly large open class on Saturday with CK, and Sunday I showed him to a third place with CK.
On Sunday, Nora and co-owner Alice repeated Karma's success the previous day, by getting 4th in junior-class, with CK!! All in all we are very impressed with all the puppies and puppy-buyers this weekend, and this made the weekend perfect :)
"Nice head and pigmentation, dark eye. Well layed shoulders, level topline. Good spring of ribs, good stifles, moved correctly front and rear." (Godefroy)

"Good head, dark pigmentation, good neck. Correct front angulations, well sprung ribs, level topline. Good stifles, tight feet. Moved correctly front and rear." (Godefroy)

"Excellent quality. Well pigmented. In good condition. Attractive head with a kindly dark eye. Good neck and topline. Correct stifle. Moved soundly." (Young)

"Pretty head with good pigment and dark eye. Good neck, correct front angulations. Good rib, level topline and tailset. Good stifles, moved correctly front and rear" (Godefroy) 4. jkk/ck

"Excellent type with a pleasing profile. Well presented in good condition. Pleasing head shape with an intelligent expression. Good neck, topline and stifle. Moved correctly" (Young)
"Balanced head with dark eye. Good reach of neck. Correct front angulations. Good rib, level topline, good stifles. Moved well front and rear." (Godefroy)


It has been an extremely sunny weekend, I'd say almost too sunny, but also a very nice one with lots of nice people, including our great puppy-buyers.
The first in the ring this weekend was Karma (Kerenza's After The Goldrush), who managed to get a fourth place in a large junior-class. Next up was Alphi, and while she was in the ring, they started junior dog-class, in which Amandus and Herman was supposed to be in! Thanks to Sissel (who owns Amandus), Nina (Karma) and Elisabeth (Herman), I did get all three dogs in the ring, but we had never done it without them! Eva showed Herman in the first group, since I couldn't run with two dogs at the time! Neither Amandus nor Herman was placed, but it was a very big class so it was not completely surprising. They were also probably the youngest in the class, and the least trained! So I'm very pleased with them anyway :)
The puppies' grandfather, Trewater Tally, won a staggeringly large open class on Saturday with CK, and Sunday I showed him to a third place with CK.
On Sunday, Nora and co-owner Alice repeated Karma's success the previous day, by getting 4th in junior-class, with CK!! All in all we are very impressed with all the puppies and puppy-buyers this weekend, and this made the weekend perfect :)
"Nice head and pigmentation, dark eye. Well layed shoulders, level topline. Good spring of ribs, good stifles, moved correctly front and rear." (Godefroy)

"Good head, dark pigmentation, good neck. Correct front angulations, well sprung ribs, level topline. Good stifles, tight feet. Moved correctly front and rear." (Godefroy)

"Excellent quality. Well pigmented. In good condition. Attractive head with a kindly dark eye. Good neck and topline. Correct stifle. Moved soundly." (Young)

"Pretty head with good pigment and dark eye. Good neck, correct front angulations. Good rib, level topline and tailset. Good stifles, moved correctly front and rear" (Godefroy) 4. jkk/ck

"Excellent type with a pleasing profile. Well presented in good condition. Pleasing head shape with an intelligent expression. Good neck, topline and stifle. Moved correctly" (Young)
"Balanced head with dark eye. Good reach of neck. Correct front angulations. Good rib, level topline, good stifles. Moved well front and rear." (Godefroy)


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