søndag 6. juni 2010


Today, the day after the puppies' pretty mum got certificate and BOS (best of opposite sex - BIM in norwegian :)) at the international show in Drammen, Nora is shown by co-owner Alice Enhuus (Kennel Deeside) at a retriever-speciality in Oslo. Here she wins the junior-class with CK and is BOS-junior! We are as proud as usual!
Their grandfather Trewater Tally also wins CAC and BOS at a retriever-show in Sweden today!

This is Nora's critique from judge Arne Foss (in norwegian this time, could be translated at request..):
"Ni mnd. Særdeles lovende. Vakker silhuett, fine proporosjoner, feminint velformet hode, bra øyne og uttrykk. Vakker hals og nakkebue, stram overlinje, velansatt hale. Utmerkede sidebevegelser, litt ustabil fram. Pels på gang. Særdeles velpresentert, trivelig temperament. Burde ha en meget spennende framtid."

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