Golden retriever puppies born on the 16th of August 2009.
"Sidney" and "Alphi" were mated 15th & 16th of June.
The litter's father is Int ch. (CIE) SV-06-07-08-09 LVW07 Dewmist Silkventure and the mother is Alpenglow Tally-Ho of Kelimoor. More about the litter on our webpage:
Så artig at Valde blir sailorboy - tante Tea (sailorgirl)hilser :)))) Marianne
SvarSlettJa, er det ikke kult! Sailorfamilien med Kelimoor-aner vokser. Jeg vet at Valde har sjekka ut Teas mange båterfaringer.
SvarSlettNice post - puppies photos ..Keep Posting
puppies photos