torsdag 24. september 2009

A little brother for Emil

Today we had very nice visitors and future friends, and yet another lovely sunny afternoon in our garden. Elisabeth, Georg and Emil (the 4 legged) came to visit us, to get a first look at Emil's (Deeside's Out And About) new little brother. Emil is half brother of Penny (our own Deeside's Miss Moneypenny), so we are already related :-). Emil and Pennys mother was Amirene Yonder Star - darling Jenny.
Emil is a wonderful boy, both playful and careful, 10 years of age. Elisabeth and Georg are obviously handling him perfectly..he took our breath away. Emil was such a dear towards all the puppies. It was so good for them to meet such a lovely big dog. Thank you Emil. We are looking forward to getting to know you!

Elisabeth, Georg and Emil.

Elisabeth with yellow dog, Georg with blue dog.

Emil was SO clever with the puppies.

Emil og Penny, Emil three years her senior.

On the run...

Silver bitch

2 kommentarer:

  1. Så koselig bilde av Penny med halv-storebror Emil, og valpene er jo bare til å spise opp, gleder meg til å se dem snart igjen :o)

  2. Å heldig er den valpen som skal flytte hjem til Emil!!! Fint med sånne trygge, voksne storebrødre da :-) Kan ihvertfall ikke fornekte slektskapet sitt den gutten :-D Ligner på en prikk på halvsøster Kaja, bare en litt eldre utgave... Herlig :-D
