tirsdag 1. september 2009

Day 17 - moving out in the living room

It has been a big day for the puppies. Their eyes and ears have opened, and they have started playing with each other, they are wagging their tails, and trying hard to sound like grown up dogs, barking loud is a one popular exercise.

Today they have also been given more space, as they now occupy one part of the living room in a big, roomy litterbox we have borrowed from our friends Åse Marit and Roy (thank you both!). The puppies are installed in the least busy part of the room, but will at the same time be exposed to all kind of normal family noices. TV, radio, washing up, cooking and so forth. We are also starting the process of introducing the rest of the cats and dogs to the puppies, - but of course slowly and with care.

In addition to all the puppies, we have another little soul to worry about, darling sheltie Zoe gave birth to a beautiful, but dead, puppy on sunday. She has been oh so sad (as have we..), and has been crying a lot. We hoped sharing the big litterbox with Alphi would work out..and thankfully, it did. Now Zoe is functioning marvellously in her new role as Nanny Zoe, and Alphi is generously sharing her puppies. It seems like she understands Zoes grief. Anyway, they are our dreamgirls...:-) Thank you so much for letting us have these lovely ladies, Aiyana and Aud Jorun!

(text edited by Trudy)

Here is the photos we promised on Monday:

Agathe checking out the new inventory

Christian cat is loooking

The whole gang and Alphi

Zoe is allowed in as a nanny

And outside is Penny patiently waiting, and also guarding Alphi and the puppies...

6 kommentarer:

  1. Hej i Norge.
    Hvor er det godt at se, at Zoe har det bedre. Sikke en smuk gestus fra Alphi, at hun må være med i hvalpekassen :-) Alphi er en klog pige og jeg er stolt over, at hun er mor til min lille nye stjerne :-)
    Klem til alle fra Marianne.

  2. Your welcome, and thank you for giving Alphi such a good life!

  3. Så herlig å se at Alphi og Zoe ligger så tett med valpene!

  4. Nå renner tårene her igjen... Heldigvis ikke dårlige nyheter denne gangen, bare så utrolig rørende å lese det du skriver Eva og å se på disse bildene av Alphi og supernanny Zoe med alle de nydelige valpene tett rundt seg. Så bra for Zoe, for Alphi og for noen heldige valper som får en sånn start på livet :-D

  5. Å, nå presset tårene på her også. Utrolig rørende å se Zoe sammen med Alphi og valpene. Herlige hunder!

  6. Det var trist med Zoe's døde valp, men så nydelig å se at Alphi lar Zoe ta del i morsrollen :) Bildet av begge jentene og alle valpene var rørende!!
    Håper Zoe har det bedre nå.
    Fineste jentene deres!
